Our fundraising helps us maintain a vital presence in the Acton Community.

Dean's Beans logo, we place an order every month

We place an order for coffee every month. Dean’s Bean’s has raised their prices a bit. The cost is now $13/lb. for Regular –Whole/Ground/Medium/Dark & $14/lb. for Decaf Whole/Ground/Medium/Dark. The coffee is Fair Trade & Organic and is roasted & shipped within 24 hours. Our church gets $3/lb. for every pound we sell. NEXT order is going in at 9am, Monday, May 27th. Contact the church office to place your order.

RADA Cutlery logo

We have a continuous internet Fundraiser through RADA Cutlery. Please use this link to purchase items directly from RADA. Share the link with your friends, family & Facebook!! We earn 40% of your purchase!! Rada Cutlery is 100% American Made. They have great gifts for Father’s Day!! Here is the link:


Please call church office 978-263-5902 or email wabcadmin@verizon.net to order coffee, pick-up location is the church office, thank you!